Yuan Chen
Ph.D candidate at WaterlooHCI & Loki.
My name is Yuan Chen (éæș, chĂ©n yuĂĄn) Friends call me Constant or when you find it hard to pronounce Yuan.. I am a third year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of Waterloo and UniversitĂ© de Lille, supervised by GĂ©ry Casiez, Sylvain Malacria, Daniel Vogel & Edward Lank. Previously, I obtained my Masterâs degree from University of Waterloo, where I was supervised by Edward Lank & Keiko Katsuragawa, and my Bachelorâs degree from HKUST, where I was supervised by Huamin Qu & Xiaojuan Ma.
I research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), with a main focus on developing intuitive and flexible interactions in Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality to improve user experience. I am currently working on enabling interactive experience on everyday surfaces in our environment.
Contact: constant [dot] chen [at] uwaterloo [dot] ca.
Jan 23, 2023 | Our paper Exploring the Effects of Intended Use on Targeting in Virtual Reality was accepted into GI 2023. |
Apr 2, 2021 | Two papers are conditionally accepted to the INTERACT2021. Details to be announced. |
Jan 1, 2021 | I am admitted into the co-tutelle Ph.D program between the University of Waterloo & Université de Lille. |
Nov 18, 2020 | I present my masterâs thesis based on my CHI work! Check out my thesis. |
Jan 6, 2020 | I will join Huawei Human Machine Interaction Lab as a research intern (co-op) in the following 8 months. |
selected publications
GIExploring the Effects of Intended Use on Targeting in Virtual RealityGraphics Interface 2023 2023
INTERACTEmpirical evaluation of moving target selection in virtual reality using egocentric metaphorsIFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2021
INTERACTGlobal Scene Filtering, Exploration, and Pointing in Occluded Virtual SpaceIFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2021